The kids and I went on a "photo safari" of sorts today...
Ken had to work :( so it was just me and the kids for the day.
We've been to the zoo a thousand times so I decided to make today a bit more interesting.
Everyone got a camera and we spent the day taking pictures of our favorite animals...
I couldn't wait to get home and see the pictures the kids took. Enjoy, they had a blast and did a great job!!!
Mommy's Pictures are first...
It's so neat to pass along my love of photography to the next generation in our family-
Eagan was giving the monkey kisses... awe.....
Ty got a piggy back from a friendly monkey :)
What a great day!!!
More pictures!
A waterfall for my hubby...
Wish you were here sweetie...
Taking a little break!
It got pretty warm today-
Best Buddies!!!
So funny!!!
Couldn't resist a beautiful flower :)
Mikayla- aka Karate Kid
Kierstyn's Photos-
Kierstyn got some really great video's too...
They are just small clips, but very funny!!!
Itty Bitty Bathroom Break:
Eagan's Goat Hugs:
Mikayla's Photos-
Tyler's Photos-
David's Photos-